Get Involved


We encourage contributions to this guide. The guide’s goal is to provide documentation on the best practices for the current state-of-the-art cloud-optimized formats. These formats are evolving, and so will the guide.


If you wish to preview the site locally, install quarto. You will also need to be familiar with quarto markdown.

Contribution Workflow

Due to previews only working from branches within the repository and not external forks (see: #74), all PRs should target staging. More specifically, the contribution workflow follows these steps:

  1. PR is made with staging as target.

  2. Maintainer will merge the PR to staging and then open a PR to main (build preview will run).

  3. Maintainers merge to main which triggers the production deployment.

The process is not ideal, and we are open to suggestions on how to improve upon it. The main constraint is the pr-preview-action not supporting previews on external contributions.

Communication Channels

Discussions can occur in GitHub Discussions and issues can be raised at GitHub Issues.

  • GitHub Discussions: Ideal for questions, feature requests, or general conversations about the project. Use this space for collaborative discussions or if you’re unsure where to start.

  • GitHub Issues: Use this for reporting bugs, suggesting enhancements, or other tasks that require tracking and possibly code changes.

Core Principles

  1. This guide intends to be opinionated but acknowledges no one-size-fits-all solution.
  2. This guide should provide the best information and guidance available but acknowledge that experts develop many existing resources. Those resources should be linked as appropriate.

Additional Criteria

Code of Conduct

  • Be inclusive, respectful, and understanding of others’ backgrounds and contexts.
  • Look for and foster diverse perspectives.
  • If you experience any harmful behavior, please get in touch with Aimee or Alex.

Bug Reporting & Feature Requests

Before submitting a bug report or a feature request, please start a GitHub Discussion to see if the issue has already been addressed or if it can be resolved through discussion.

General Steps

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone your fork locally.
  3. Create a new branch for your changes.
  4. Make your changes and use quarto preview to make sure they look good.
  5. Open a pull request.

Once the pull request is opened, and the GitHub preview.yml workflow runs (“Deploy PR previews”), you should have a preview available for review at<YOUR-PR-NUMBER-HERE>. A bot will comment on your PR when the PR preview is ready.

Specific Contributions

1. Adding a New Format

Follow the steps outlined in the General Steps, then:

  1. Create a folder with the format’s name and, within that folder, an intro.qmd.
  2. Link to the intro.qmd page in the index.qmd (the Welcome page) file and _quarto.yml table of contents.

2. Modify or Add to an Existing Format

Feel free to modify or add to existing content if you think it could be improved.

3. Adding a Cookbook

Cookbooks should address common questions and present solutions for cloud-optimized access and visualization. To create a cookbook, either add a notebook directly to this repository in the cookbooks directory OR use an external link and add it to cookbooks/index.qmd.

4. (Optional) Update Slides

If you have made substantive changes, consider updating the Overview Slides. These slides are generated using Quarto and Reveal.js so can be updated with markdown syntax.

5. Add Yourself to the List of Authors

Add yourself to the list of authors on the Welcome page.

6. Final Steps Before Merging

Once your PR is approved and all checks have passed, a project maintainer will merge your changes into the main repository.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit For attribution requirements, please look at the license terms.

Preferred citation: Barciauskas, A et al. 2023. Cloud Optimized Geospatial Formats Guide. CC-By-4.0.


For questions on how to contribute, start a discussion in the GitHub Discussions section.

Our Supporters

Thank you to our supporters

This guide has been made possible through the support of:

NASA Impact Logo


Development Seed Logo


Cloud-Native Geospatial Foundation